About R.J. Warren Limited
Rob Warren - director of the company worked within the landscaping industry for many years before deciding to start his own business. In 1987 and operating as a one man business, RJ Warren Landscapes was formed and has expanded to over 15 Employees, becoming a limited company and trading as R J Warren Limited in February 1999.
We operate a modern and extensive fleet of vehicles & equipment, which can be called upon to service the needs of our clients at any time.
Our client base extends from Private Individuals to Industrial and Commercial concerns, Housing Associations, Country Houses and Historic Homes & Grounds to Local Authorities such as:
Peterborough City Council – Enterprise Peterborough – Fenland District Council – Ipswich Borough Council – Elton Hall – Ceva Logistics to name but a few.
We are strategically placed in Whittlesey, Peterborough to operate across East Anglia, Midlands and Home Counties, with easy access routes to other areas of the UK as required by our clients.
Investment in the future of our workforce is essential to move the business into the future and continuation of quality assurance and ISO 9001 registration.